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Multidimensional Assessments and Psychological Services

 Psychological evaluations for adolescents and young adults


MAPS Mentoring & Family Services

What makes a M.A.P.S. evaluation unique

We Provide a Focused Perspective. A comprehensive psychological evaluation is an important step in a client's treatment process. Like any good road map, it should be clear and focused, and should also help orient the client and their treatment team to what the underlying concerns are, where these concerns come from, and what exactly needs to happen moving forward. M.A.P.S. assessments determine not only what the underlying cognitive, academic, and psychological issues are, but also provides recommendations for what the most effective next steps in a client's treatment continuum will be, and helps the client's treatment team create an effective and personalized treatment plan.


Our Evaluations are Multidimensional. A complete M.A.P.S. evaluation by Dr. Gonzalez Boas is multidimensional by design. The batteries selected are tailored to answer the referral question and determine what the client needs moving forward. All M.A.P.S. assessments are integrative and assess the client’s functioning in areas associated with learning, behavior, social skills, mood and anxiety, and cognitive processing- while also taking into account the impact that various systems have on the client's overall functioning.

About maps

All M.A.P.S. assessments focus on the individual, are multidimensional, and will always contain the following essential components of a complete report

A thorough review of the presenting problem. The presenting problem(s) is the reason the individual is seeking treatment or an evaluation and it is also often the referral question. A comprehensive record review along with in-depth interviews of individuals associated with the client (e.g., the client's treatment team, family, teachers, etc.) are the methods typically utilized during a review of the presenting problem. 


An in-depth psychological interview. The interview is always in person and it is where Dr. Gonzalez Boas gets to know the client personally and in-depth. A review of current symptoms, history of symptoms, and developmental history are collected so that an accurate picture of the individual is made. Questions are asked in the areas of family, social, medical, media, personal goals, and work/school.

Assessment Essentials

Services Include:

Comprehensive Psychological Evaluation

Psychoeducational Evaluation

ADHD and other Learning Disorders Evaluation 

Autism Spectrum (ASD) Evaluation

Developmental Evaluation

Career Evaluations/Assessments



Evaluations Conducted Nationally for:

Therapeutic Wilderness Programs

Therapeutic Boarding Schools

Residential Treatment Centers

Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation Programs


Evaluations Conducted Locally for:

The Boulder/Denver Colorado Area

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